Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Power of LOVE

  • Everything you want to be, do, or have comes from love.
  • Every day, in every moment, you make the choice whether to love and harness the positive force-or not.
  • People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don't love.
  • Talk about the good news of the day. Talk about what you love. And bring what you love to you. 
  • Love, because when you love, you are using the greatest power in the universe. 

Talk About What You Love

When you talk about difficulties with money, a relationship, an illness you are not talking about what you love. When you talk about a bad event in the news, or a person or situation that annoyed or frustrated you, you are not talking about what you love. Talk about a bad day you have, a fight with your bestfriend, break up with your couple, 
you're not talking about what you love. 

There are many little things happen each day; if you talk about what you don't love, every one of those little things brings more struggle and difficulty in your life. :)

So, we have to talk about good news of the day. Talk about what silly things your friends did, your work going very well or talk about how you love being on time. Talk about profits you want your work or bussiness to archieve. You have to talk about what you love, to bring what you love to you. 

If you, parrot negative things and squawk the things you 
don't love, then you are jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage.
Its like everytime you talk about what you don't love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good. People who have great lives talk more about
what they love. By doing so, they gain unlimited access 
to all the good in life, and they are as free as the birds that flying
happily in the sky. To have great life,break the bars of the cage
that is jailing you; give love, talk only about what you love,
and love will set you free! :3

''Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.''

Give and Receive

Every action of giving creates an opposite action of receiving and what you receive is always equal to what you've given. Whatever you give out in life,must return to you. Give POSITIVITY, you receive back positivity; give NEGATIVITY,you receive back negativity. And how do  you give positivity or negativity? Through your thoughts and feelings lah!

In any moment, you're giving either positive either negative thoughts. You're giving either positive or negative feelings. And whether they're positive or negative will determine what you receive back in your life. All the people ,circumstances, and events that make up every moment of your life are being attracted back through the thoughts and feelings you're giving out. Life doesn't just happen to you; you receive everything in life based on what you've given.

You are creating your life with thoughts and your feelings. Whatever you think and feel creates everything that happens to you and everything you experience in your life. If you think and feel, "I've got a stressful day today.'' Then you will 
attract the people around you,all the circumstance, and events that will make your day stressful. 

If you think and feel, ''ahh~ life is really good to me.'' You will also attract back to all people circumstance and events that will make your life really good to you.

"Give, and it will be given to you. For by your 
standard of measurre it will
be measured to you in return. ''

The Force Of Love

The kind of love that the greatest thinkers and saviors of the world talked is very different from what most people understand love to be. It is much more than loving your family, friends, and favourite things, because love is not just a feeling: love is a POSITIVE force. Like I said, Love is not weak,feeble or soft. Love is the positive and good. There are not a hundred different positive force in life; there's only one. :)

Force of love is invisible to us, but its power ia in fact far greater than any of nature's powers. The evidenceof its power can be seen everywhere in the world: without love, there is no life. Am I saying the wrong things?

Take a moment to think about it: What would the world be without love? First of all,you wouldn't even exist; without love you can't have been born. None of your family and friends would have been born either. In fact, there wouldn't be a single human being on the planet. If the force of love ceased today,nah, the entire human race would decrease and eventually die out. *kesian kan?

Every single thing, invention or human creation came from the love in human heart. Take a look around you right now, whatever you see that is human creation would not be there without love. For example, why did your father bought a big and nice house for your family if he do not love his family? Why momma cook everyday? And why they give you money,phone,computer,clothes and all that you need?